Simulation Services

Considering all SIXPRO’s fields of activity, simulation services are in great demand and are aimed at all companies that have processes for manufacturing metal parts.

The use of simulation reduces the time and cost of developing new products, while also being efficient in the activity of continuous improvement of processes and products. While the development of a part can take months, using computer simulation this time is reduced to weeks. Exemplifying more specifically, in the automotive sector, while normally up to 15 re-machining operations are performed before obtaining the final tools for the stamping process, with the simulation it is possible to predict the process computationally, reducing to up to 3 re-machining operations. tools. Read the text “Implementation of the Simulation” to understand a little more about the efficiency of the simulation.

The main customers are companies that do not have simulation software or companies that have simulation software, but who wish to improve the use of their program or add greater reliability to their simulation activities. The most demanded areas are:


Massive forming

Heat treatment



Products Types

With great experience in simulation, metallurgy, materials and, mainly, in the industrial stamping process, SIXPRO provides consulting and simulation services to the main segments of sheet stamping and different classes of products.


SIXPRO conducts feasibility simulations and assists Product Engineering, through co-design, in order to guarantee product quality and robustness of the process, avoiding late modifications.

Full Process

For highly complex products, such as external panels, SIXPRO offers the “full process” modality, which aims to achieve the relevant quality standards for each product, combining the optimization of input parameters with the robustness of the process.

Full Cycle

SIXPRO has great knowledge and experience in relation to the compensation of elastic return (springback), which allows to analyze the process, product and material, choosing the most appropriate and safe compensation methodology. In this way, it is possible to effectively achieve the dimensional quality of the stamped part, combined with the quality of the surfaces of the tools for machining, including for external panels (class A).

Process Improvement

Due to its great experience and knowledge, SIXPRO conducts consultancies to improve processes. This modality consists of solving problems that occur in the production line or try-out, reducing / avoiding scrap, rework and delays. Through simulation, several tests are carried out until the solution with the lowest cost and possible impact on the existing tooling is found.